Tuesday, 11 September 2012

How to Tether With a Samsung Rival

The Samsung Competing is a cell phone that provides all the fundamentals you'd want from a modern but simple cell phone, like web surfing around, email connection, a camera and Wireless. Advanced options, like Ms Office papers watching and quick 4G information relationships are not available. The Competing does get 3G EVDO information, and if you want, you can actually tether your cell phone to your PC, increasing the Rival's information supply so the pc can access the Internet.

InstructionsPhone Setup

        Go to the "Home" screen on your Competing by pushing the red End key.

        Open the main selection by pushing the "Center Choose Key," which is in the middle of the online key.


    Choose "Settings and Tools," then "USB Function," and then "Modem Function." If you want, you can now quit the selection by pushing the red End key.

    Connect the Rival's offered USB cable into the cell phone and into a free USB slot on your pc. If you are looking at the front of the cell phone, the Rival's USB slot is on its left edge.
PC Setup


    Simply select the "Start" selection on your pc, and begin entering "Network and Giving Center"; when the utility shows in the search results, select it.

    Click on "Set up a new relationship or system."

    Choose "Set up a dial-up relationship," and then click "Next."

    Choose the Competing cell phone option, which is listed as a hub.

    Kind in your dial-up number, details that Verizon offered you. If you don't have that information for your account, contact Verizon customer support.

    Kind in a name for this relationship in the "Connection name" text box. You can call it anything you want, like "Rival network" or "Phone hub relationship."

    Click on "Connect." Wait a few minutes for your pc to get online.

    Choose "Connect now" when the window shows "The relationship is ready for use."

Tips & Warnings

    When you want to hook up later, all you need to do on your cell phone is enable hub mode and hook up the cell phone to your computer; then on your pc, select the system relationship symbol in the bottom-right of the display pick "Connect" by the system you created.

    All the information your pc accesses while connected to your Competing cell phone number as information used on your cellular plan. Based on your carrier's guidelines, this could result in additional expenses on your bill.

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